Friday, April 27, 2012

Kaisley Rae Platt

I'm so Glad she's HERE!!!

Where do I even start??  Thank Heavens that's over with and things are getting back to a new normal!  I have to say a huge THANKS to all my Family and Friends, it took a small army to get this little Girl here safe and sound!  No one knew I was Pregnant and having problems when I asked a zillion people to come  help me move and get my house clean, I still don't know how I didn't miscarry during all the chaos and stress of moving!!  8 Months of bed rest made me appreciate an able Body that can do simple things like make dinner or pack a 2 year to bed.  My kids were doing most all the house cleaning long before they knew WHY they were doing all the house work, I'm sure they were coming home from school wondering why I was in the SAME spot I was in when they left that morning!  But rarely complained and didn't ask why I couldn't clean the bathroom MYSELF!!  :)  Sweet Kids!  Warren got so use to doing things himself he doesn't know how to sit down and let ME wait on HIM, but I'm sure that will come back soon enough!  ;)  My Mom, Cara, Jeri, Stacie, Shari, Kristin and Lena kept my Family fed for the last 5 months!!!!
Cara has been cleaning my house and doing Laundry on a regular basis and I've so enjoyed her visits!!  We're going to have to come up with another excuse to get together often!!
Mom has been up here to stay for days on end to help with kids and catch me up on stuff, Warren would love it when she would come and relieve him of dish duty and he got a fancy breakfast for a change, he got tired of Oatmeal and all my other quick and easy Breakfast dishes!!  ;)
Lena has bent over backwards for us, we've been regulars at her house and I'm not sure we could've made it without her help, Bossy thinks he's a Leak and goes through heavy withdrawals if he doesn't see Kayson every other day AT LEAST!!  I'll be forever trying to get even with everyone!!
The week before Easter was a rough one, Sunday rolled around and I really wasn't feeling good.  Warren and the kids had just left for Church when my water broke (Warren was REALLY glad I stayed home from meetings that Sunday!) but I didn't get into that big of a hurry because I wasn't positive that my water really broke, so I got in the shower then called the Dr on call after I got ready, she went over some things with me and was pretty sure I was broke so she told me to head to the hospital because we were having a baby TODAY!!  So I texted Warren, he left the kids with Lena and we headed out, it was a much calmer trip to the hospital than the others had been, if anyone would've told me that that was how this traumatic Pregnancy would've ended I would've told them they were crazy!  I had all sorts of scary scenarios played out in my mind of how it was going to end!  The labor and delivery wasn't even my worst!
After she was born Warren said, "That was easy, see, we could have another one"......
I told him to start figuring out a way to grow is own Uterus...

Kirby wasn't thrilled at first, he wanted a "boy baby" but warmed up pretty fast and is so sweet with her, if he would only call her by name...  I think he'll always refer to her as "Your Baby"  Kylee is thrilled to have a sister and loves to hold her.  Kylan has really surprised me and is way more into her than I thought he would be, he likes to hold her as much or more than Kylee!
When she was first born her Vernix was coated on so thick it wouldn't come off, it looks like she already has dry scaly skin but it was her coating that wouldn't wipe, it took DAYS before all the traces were gone.  We couldn't agree on a name very easy, I liked Kapree Elizabeth, but Uncle Matt said he would end up calling her "Pants" or "Shorts" and Warren wasn't a huge fan of it either, he liked Kaisley better, why he always gets the final say, I don't know!  I really wanted to come up with something cute from both the Grandmas for her middle but the only ones I could come up with were "Darlene" or "Gayla"!!  So I took the R from my name and A from my Moms and and E from Gaylene's name and did Rae for her middle name.   

So sweet!

 Heading Home!!
Since Kaisley was born in the middle of the night they made us stay an extra night. The day I was getting discharged Warren had to be in Idaho for meetings first thing which meant he had to get up and leave me there.  My Mom was coming to get me as soon as she got the kids on the bus but Warren acted like he was abandoning me, I've decided Dads get softer and sweeter as they get older!  With all three of the other kids he brought me home and was there long enough to bring the bags in for me and then he was gone again, with Kirby and Kylan he was gone for days!  So I thought he was a softy being so worried about leaving me over night already.  I will say that we were very glad when he did get home, my kids were needing their Dad pretty bad by the time he got back that weekend!
I Love this picture, she is 7 days old in this one, She has been the best baby!  All she does is eat and sleep, at this rate she's going to be grown out of her Blessing Dress before we get her Blessed!!


As you probably already know, by the time Easter Weekend rolled around I was a Mess and not feeling very Festive.  If it weren't for Lena my kids would've had an egg hunt in the house and we would've called it good!  So an egg hunt with the Leaks was Heaven sent!  The kids woke up to a "Bunny Trail" of treats from their room to their gifts, Kirby thought that was the neatest thing and still reminds me about when That Bunny dropped treats from his bed CLEAR into the Living Room!  After that bit of excitement we met up with the Leak Family to do the Egg Hunt.

 Kirby Kylan Maddie Kylee Kael Trey Kayson

 I have struggled with Easter since Kylan was little, I've been known to say I HATE Easter Egg Hunts.  I still get emotional thinking about past years and how hard it's been to watch Kylan struggle and only have a few treats in his basket at the end, and every year it got worse the older he got and the more he realized how much harder it was for him to see stuff than other kids.  I've even racked my brain trying to come up with someway of making it so Kylan didn't feel so different and awkward... I've never had much luck... But leave it to Lena to come up with an idea!  We had Maddie, Kael and Kylan help hide the eggs for the Little kids' hunt and they loved that, it made them feel big.  Then for the Big Kid Hunt we Blindfolded each of them...

 Maddie, Kael & Kylan

And  Lena came up with the idea of putting all their eggs and goodies in a tub full of wood shavings and they had to use their hands to find all their treats... Perfect!  Next year I'm going to use a Sand Box to make it a little harder in a little bigger area, but I'm keeping this as a Egg Hunt Tradition.  I don't know how Maddie and Kael felt about it, but for Kylan it made a world of difference!

 Is that really my finger in the road??

Thursday, April 26, 2012

This and That

 Pinewood Derby was the last week in March, we got our kit the first of March... We were still painting this stupid thing 15 minutes before we were supposed to be at the Church...  Why would we start building our truck any sooner than the day before it has to be done??  I think Warren works best under pressure!   :)
 Goofy Smile!
 Kylan's Super Fast Truck

We decided to head down to the Sportsman's Expo to see what it was about, the kids had fun but we decided once was probably enough times to go check that out.
 Kirby with his "Gun Glasses"
 Kylan Shooting
 Kyee Shooting... And beating the Boys!
 No Caption needed
Outback Steakhouse
 Kylee and Kirby with "Dorothy" after the Wizard of Oz... On a side note... Warren had NEVER seen the Wizard of Oz... He was half lost during the entire Play... It was Hilarious!!

 Kirby and I spent the Day with Warren while he was working which equaled alot of time in the Pickup but give Bossy a treat and that kid will be happy doing just about anything!
 Kylan and Warren started going to Rope in Malad every Thursday night... This was Kirby thinking he was going too!
Kirby at Casper's Ice Cream