Friday, April 27, 2012


As you probably already know, by the time Easter Weekend rolled around I was a Mess and not feeling very Festive.  If it weren't for Lena my kids would've had an egg hunt in the house and we would've called it good!  So an egg hunt with the Leaks was Heaven sent!  The kids woke up to a "Bunny Trail" of treats from their room to their gifts, Kirby thought that was the neatest thing and still reminds me about when That Bunny dropped treats from his bed CLEAR into the Living Room!  After that bit of excitement we met up with the Leak Family to do the Egg Hunt.

 Kirby Kylan Maddie Kylee Kael Trey Kayson

 I have struggled with Easter since Kylan was little, I've been known to say I HATE Easter Egg Hunts.  I still get emotional thinking about past years and how hard it's been to watch Kylan struggle and only have a few treats in his basket at the end, and every year it got worse the older he got and the more he realized how much harder it was for him to see stuff than other kids.  I've even racked my brain trying to come up with someway of making it so Kylan didn't feel so different and awkward... I've never had much luck... But leave it to Lena to come up with an idea!  We had Maddie, Kael and Kylan help hide the eggs for the Little kids' hunt and they loved that, it made them feel big.  Then for the Big Kid Hunt we Blindfolded each of them...

 Maddie, Kael & Kylan

And  Lena came up with the idea of putting all their eggs and goodies in a tub full of wood shavings and they had to use their hands to find all their treats... Perfect!  Next year I'm going to use a Sand Box to make it a little harder in a little bigger area, but I'm keeping this as a Egg Hunt Tradition.  I don't know how Maddie and Kael felt about it, but for Kylan it made a world of difference!

 Is that really my finger in the road??

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