Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Baby Update...

I had a Doctor Appointment today and it went pretty well, I have to say this has been the worst Pregnancy ever! I stress more about this baby than I have all my other babies combined, so it's always a relief to have the Doctor check her over good. She is still growing, which I had convinced myself she wasn't, her heart rate is good and I measure right where I should. So there aren't any concerns with the baby, my Abruption is the same, which is good, at least it's not worse, which I had convinced myself it was...
Anyway he wants to see me in 3 weeks, then another 3 weeks after that, then we'll go to every 2 weeks.
If I make it to 32 - 34 weeks, depending on how things are going and how the baby looks he may take her then, that's only 10 weeks away! Which would make her only 6 weeks early, and that's a lot better than what I've been bracing for so I'd say things are going Great except for the Bed Rest thing... it's getting old... I got caught in Hobby Lobby today... I didn't have Kirby so I thought, I'm running into a craft store BY MYSELF!!! And a Lady from my Ward was in there... she acted like I shouldn't be there... Then Frames were 50% off so I had to call Gaylene and double check a Frame size I needed... She acted like I shouldn't be there either... :) I do so good for the most part... Sometimes I just snap and have a lasp in Judgement!! :)

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